
August 31, 2012

From My Tweetdom

  • People would dig me if only they'd dig DEEP enough.
  • In a superficial world, the deep ones drown.
  • Leave your ruffled feathers at the door.
  • Tolerance is like a like any good foundation: The broader it is, the more stable it is.
  • I sing. Even if no one else hears it, and whether I sing poorly or well, it does not matter; only that I still sing.
  • Some things cross your mind so often they wear a path.
  • Shaving/cutting hair isn’t natural, but imagine how we’d look if we all stopped?  (Maybe Bigfoot is just some big guy who went all-natural)
  • Beware: The things you try 'just to see' today may become the bad habits you cannot break tomorrow.
  • Don't let the opinions and misconceptions of others limit what you will do, say, feel or think.
  • Don't try to find yourself; for you are not here to be found, you are here to be made.
  • Our sins have a higher gravity, drawing us to them, making it difficult for us to escape.
  • Being superficial isn’t ‘super’ just because it’s in the name.
  • Often even the smallest thing can seem a heavy burden


  1. I like the deepness of your thoughts and I agree ecause i'm somehow in the same search, for it never ends- the trying, and realizing how much and how little... it's all so in or so out, but only we can choose, and that's the greatest, yet the most diffiult thing to do...

  2. I love this one:
    Some things cross your mind so often they wear a path.

    I resemble this one right now:
    Often even the smallest thing can seem a heavy burden.

    Emotional exhaustion plays a big part in that. I need to shut down for awhile.


You may put in your 2¢ worth, but I'll only pay you a penny for your thoughts.