
December 10, 2010

Friday 55: First Snow

Here it comes - the first snow of the season!
After many cold days (and a bit of teasin’)
It quickly falls down, without a rhyme nor reason

And when that happen it’s the same old jive:
Everyone (else) has forgotten how to drive!
I grip the wheel and pray I make it home alive!


  1. haha...snow or otherwise this time of year people drive like crazy...its the holiday spirit and the need of a parking space...smiles.

  2. Oooh so's always the other idiots who can't drive in the snow. Excellent 55.

  3. Just getting ready to brave some slippery roads myself, so I'll be doing some wheel-gripping myself!

    Loved your 55, Eric!

  4. Truer words, man. Around here one flake(or raindrop, for that matter) falls out of the sky and suddenly the bar-ditches fill up with fancy pick-up's and SUV's. The farmers tend to do all right, though. Great 55.

  5. ha nice - i'm glad you remembered how to drive in snow...smiles and the snow may fall without rhyme or reason but your 55 rhymes perfectly...

  6. Thank goodness I live in Hawai'i LOL Great 55 my friend. Truer words were never spoken so correctly. Excellent my friend :) Have a great weekend :)

  7. Your verse summed the first snowfall up perfectly!

  8. Oh that is so true!!!! Now that I live in the South that is why I do not drive when it snows here...they're clueless!

  9. Tell me about it! But then, my little truck needs new studded snow tires. I got stuck today by making the mistake of pulling into a parking spot with a tiny bit of a slant to it. What a pain.

  10. lol well said, sir! folks 'round here forget all too quickly as well lol

  11. I love the heart!!! Enjoy the cold more time to write. I have to dig myself out of the warm sunshine every morning - it's a bear

    happy friday my friend

    Moonie chuckle

  12. rofl!! that is SO true!! such short memories....

    great piece!!

  13. Lucky!!!
    Down here in the tropics we get a small cool breeze and that is about it..

    Love the witty poem:-)

  14. well, wonderful pic and nice 55..

    --Someone is Special--

  15. Boy do I know how that feels! This year is the first time I have driven in snow since 1997. I could have waited the rest of my life, but the weather had other ideas!

  16. Just wait till Sunday..
    Were gonna dumped on good.
    Thanks Bubba..
    Your 55 Froze me out Son!!
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

  17. LOL! We complain the same about drivers here in the rain. Seems any weather change causes immediate stupidity on the roads.

  18. It certainly is that time of year again. We're under a blizzard warning tonight!

  19. Funny and scary at the same time. Did you walk the heart...because it is pretty symmetrical.?

  20. Tabor - Yes indeed, those are my footprints. (Did it on the first try, too!)

  21. it sure it pretty but yep, the looney drivers are the scariest thing about the snow! cute 55. :)

  22. lol, that's great fun! And I really like the picture!


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