
October 19, 2013

Halloween Countdown Day 19: When I Was A Kid

When I Was A Kid

When I was a kid Halloween was the best
Second only to Christmas; better than the rest
These days it’s just not quite the same
In many regards it’s now kind of lame

When I was a kid we wore costumes to school
And the girls did not dress slutty, as a rule
Most costumes came in a Ben Cooper box
And on TV they’d give Charlie Brown rocks

When I was a kid, every Halloween night
We’d go trick-or-treating, but not in the light
For everyone knew you must wait until dark
When jack-o-lantern eyes glowed so stark

When I was a kid, most of us candy-seekers
Found it very important to wear our sneakers
So we could run faster, except for maybe
In snow you’d wear boots (if you were a baby)

When I was a kid we used old pillowcases
Not orange plastic pumpkin buckets with faces
You kept trick-or-treating ‘til your bag was so full
You carried it like Santa, over your shoulder, no bull

When I was a kid all the parents stayed home
To pass out treats to the goblins who roam
We needed no escorts, me and my friends
And. imagine that, none met untimely ends

When I was a kid you’d get all kinds of sweets
And people still passed out their homemade treats
Mom’s popcorn balls were a favorite, it’s true
Caramel apples wrapped with wax paper, too

When I was a kid, Halloween was still scary
With everyone wearing things creepy and hairy
No fairytale princesses, no superheroes
Those kinds of costumes were only for zeroes

When I was a kid there was one night a year
When we could go out and face our fear
But that was what made Halloween so neat
And what the heck is this lame ‘Trunk-Or-Treat’?


  1. Times have definitely changed, but I'm sure kids are having just as much fun on Halloween.


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